Sunday, March 22, 2015

Unsolicited Windows 7 Remote Assistance


Full, meaning no need for any manual user intervention regarding prompts. Works with Windows 7 to Windows 7 and Windows 7 to Windows XP. Not yet tested with Windows Vista. Note: This requires more files than just the source script.
-Alternate Download Link:
Let me know what you all think. Doesn't work too bad for one of my first scripts that I actually use quite often.
NEW! -- I recommend using the gui version created here by JAG1117: 

##Thx to Brentb######

@echo off
echo "Enter Computername or IP:"
set /p ComputerName=

echo %ComputerName%

copy "C:\RA\RAWIN7.exe" "\\%ComputerName%\C$\RAWIN7.exe" /y
C:\pstools\psexec /accepteula -i -h -d \\%ComputerName% C:\RAWIN7.exe

start /d "C:\RA" ra.lnk

echo "Press any key after you click Request Control"

C:\pstools\psexec /accepteula -i -h -d \\%ComputerName% C:\RAWIN7.exe

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